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Math 310 (Winter 2015)

Instructor: Anton Lukyanenko
Email: lukyanen@umich.edu

Course assistant: Raghav Prabhu
Email: rprab@umich.edu

Course website: http://lukyanenko.net/teaching/2015/310/
Gradebook on CTools

Times and Places

Classroom: 3096 B804 East Quad.
Meeting times: MWF 1:10-2:00, Jan 7 - April 20.
Anton's Office hours: Mondays and Wednesdays 2-3 in 5856 East Hall.
Raghav's office hours: Thursdays 1-3 in the East Hall atrium (second floor).
Additional office hours are available by request.

About the Course

The course will explore topics in randomness and probability, with some real-life applications. It runs in an "IBL" format: no lectures, no exams, no textbook. Instead, students write their own "final textbook" based on in-class group worksheets. Worksheets are submitted on three occasions:

  • Each worksheet is due one week after it's completed in class, together with the corresponding homework problems.
  • All worksheets that have been handed back by February 23rd are due as a half-textbook on February 27.
  • All worksheets are due on April 20, in the form of the final textbook.

In addition to worksheets and homework, there will be short bi-weekly quizzes to make sure everyone is on track.

Attendance and friendly group work is an essential part of the course (and will affect grades).


Attendance and Late Assignements
Group Work and Cheating
